Hi there!

I'm a teacher with more than 20 years experience helping students with academic performance and college admissions.


About Me

I am an educator with a wide range of experience as a teacher, college admissions counselor, and executive function coach. I have worked for school districts, universities, and education companies big and small; received rigorous training as a teacher and counselor; and honed my skills in countless classrooms, living rooms, and virtual spaces around the world. My experience, expertise, and teaching style make me uniquely suited to help any student reach their highest potential. Click below to learn more about how I became the teacher I am today.


My Programs

I work with students on both sides of the transition from high school to college, helping them navigate testing, the admissions process, and the executive functioning of academic and college life. No matter the subject, I am engaged in a relational model of coaching focused on student’s growth toward independence and self determination.

Within this relational model, each program begins with a thorough exploration of each student’s goals, hopes, fears, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and challenges. From this assessment, we gain a deep understanding of the student’s individual needs and use this knowledge to build relationship and create a customized plan of study. With this study plan in hand, students and I work together online, exploring the the intricacies of their subject and mastering the strategies necessary to achieve their academic and life goals. Alongside this skill building, we also embark on a process of applied practice, refining and honing these newly acquired skills in response to simulated and real-world scenarios.

Each step of this process can expand or contract to accommodate different skill levels and learning styles, and this process can be applied to the SAT/ACT, the college application process, and executive functioning coaching inside and outside the classroom. Click below to contact me and learn more about a tailored program for your student.




Risher is an incredible teacher, and knows how to get through to almost every type of person he comes into contact with. His fearless approach to learning inspires those around him.
— Matthew G, Student
Risher is so much more that an ACT/SAT tutor, he a phenomenal teacher!! My son learned so much that has helped him for the tests and beyond. Thank you Risher!
— Anne Y, Parent
Working with Risher was an absolutely amazing experience! He was thoroughly engaging and adapted his teaching to me, which I really appreciated. In our weekly sessions, Risher used interactive tools to allow for visual learning, so it never was a problem meeting online. Because of him, my scores rose dramatically and I learned numerous new test-taking strategies that I have continued to use. I can defiantly say I am so glad that Risher was my tutor. Thank you!!!
— Griffin Y, Student
Risher is an insanely passionate teacher and is deeply dedicated to his students. Every lesson I learned something new.
— Fay B, Student
My daughter was an average test taker to start, and became proficient in test taking from the tools provided by Risher. As a result, she increased her SAT scores by 225 points. She went on to be accepted to her #1 choice college and, to this day, continues to use the strategies he provided. I highly recommend Risher for test preparation, tutoring and teaching. In a few years, when my younger daughter needs to take the SATs, she too will find herself under Risher’s tutelage.
— Jay D, Parent
Risher has a remarkable ability to communicate and motivate both in person and through online options such as Skype. His unique ability to demand hard and high quality work while also keeping a positive attitude allows for huge improvement in SAT scores and makes the usually dull and torturous process of test prep enjoyable. I credit Risher for providing me the necessary test techniques and motivating me to work hard, which allowed me to do my best work and greatly increase my SAT score from a 1950 on my first practice test to a 2330 a few months later on test day.
— Nick M, Student
Working online in the comfort of his own room created a safe environment for my son to focus and learn. Risher’s tutoring helped raise his score 180 points - great improvement!
— Molly M, Parent

