
The scores came in today! I got 800 in Critical Reading, 800 in Math, and 760 in Writing with a 10 on the essay. Thanks so much for your help!
— Alex M, Student
Risher was invaluable in helping both my sons prepare for the SATs and score to their highest potential. My oldest son had gone with another tutor the first time he took the SATs and he was disappointed in the results scoring only slightly better than he had on the PSATs after many weeks of working with the other tutor. After we switched and my son worked hard under Risher’s effective guidance his score jumped up 150 points. When I asked my oldest son what the difference was between Risher and the other tutor he told me that Risher really gives you skills that you can use during the test, and his homework assignments fully recreate what it would be like to take the test. He felt very prepared when he took the SAT the second time. With my youngest son we went straight to Risher from the start. The results of his hard work with Risher were that he missed a perfect score by just 40 points. We have recommended Risher to dozens of our friends.
— Tom F, Parent

My son had great success working with Risher on his SAT and ACT prep. Risher’s teaching style is the perfect combination of informality and no-nonsense focus. This may seem incompatible but once you get to know him you will see how these aspects of his personality come together to make him uniquely suited to this work. Our original consult was focused around my son’s goals regarding the scores he wanted to achieve. He took a couple practice tests, and Risher helped him assess what he needed to focus on to get the scores he wanted. They met regularly, did the work, and I am happy to say that my son got the scores he wanted and was accepted to all the schools he applied to.
— Ethan W, Parent

Hey Man! I just realized I gave some family friends your number a while back and totally forgot to give you a heads up. Idk if they ever reached out, but anyway I tried to spread the good word! Also, the college search is over, and I’m headed to my top choice school next year! Figured I’d keep you in the loop as promised. Thanks again for all your help!
— Isaac W, Student

Risher prepared my daughter for her SATs during her Junior year. She met with him remotely via Skype on a weekly basis. She was tasked with taking several practice SAT tests each week, then she and Risher would correct and evaluate her mistakes. He provided great strategies for reducing the result set and narrowing down to the solution. My daughter was an average test taker to start, and became proficient in test taking (in general) from the tools provided by Risher. As a result, she increased her SAT scores by 225 points. She went on to be accepted to her #1 choice college, and to this day continues to use the strategies he provided. Risher is very professional and a superb teacher. He’s patient and easy to get along with, but he expects the student to work hard. As with any subject, he provides the tools, but the student must apply them. I highly recommend Risher for test preparation, tutoring and teaching. In a few years, when my younger daughter needs to take the SATs, she too will find herself under Risher’s tutelage.
— Jay D, Parent

After seeing Risher’s success with my older brother, I hired Risher as my SAT tutor. He has a remarkable ability to communicate and motivate both in person and through online options such as Skype. His unique ability to demand hard and high quality work while also keeping a positive attitude allows for both huge improvement in SAT scores and makes the usually dull and torturous process of test prep enjoyable. I credit Risher for providing me the necessary test techniques and motivating me to work hard which allowed me to do my best work and greatly increase my SAT score from a 1950 on my first practice test with him to a 2330 a few months later on test day.
— Ben M, Student

Hey Risher!!! Patrick scored a 1230 (up from 1050). Your tutoring helped raise his score 180 points - great improvement! He has been accepted to the fall semester at the University of Alabama, so we are very excited for what his future holds.

I want to thank you for your willingness to add him to your already busy schedule. As a parent, I loved how organized you were and how clear you were with your expectations of Patrick. Working with you online and being in the comfort of his own room helped create a safe environment where he could focus and learn. Your engaging and enthusiastic personality really helped Patrick build confidence and believe he could achieve better results.

Thank you again for all your effort.
— Molly M, Parent
Risher is so much more that an ACT/SAT tutor, he a phenomenal teacher!! My son learned so much that has helped him for the tests and beyond! Risher made the process fun for my son so he never complained about having to study.

I recommended Risher to a friend for her son. She liked Risher so much that she called her older daughter already in college and apologized. She realized that her daughter’s tutor was not as good!!

The personalized video sessions were perfect because we selected times that worked around my son’s schedule without any driving or wasted time! As a parent I found Risher easy to work with. He was accommodating and I looked forward to reading his weekly progress emails. Mostly I appreciated his unbelievable enthusiasm! Thank you Risher!
— Anne Y, Parent
Working with Risher was an absolutely amazing experience. From the very start, I could tell the ins and outs of the SAT and ACT and was able to give me the appropriate guidance based on my abilities. He was always prepared for our sessions and made it so easy for me, reviewing my homework before and noting places to improve. When necessary we would use online interactive tools on our weekly calls to allow for visual teaching, so it never was a problem not meeting face-to-face. He was engaging and adapted his teaching to me, which I really appreciated. Because of him, my scores rose dramatically and I learned numerous new test-taking strategies. He was extremely supportive, always believing that I could better myself and checking in after test days to see how it went. I can defiantly say I am so glad that Risher was my tutor. Thank you!!!
— Griffin Y, Student